Ugh and an update
The past few weeks have been harsh. It’s been difficult working my job and running this, while day to day life has been making me feel very drained. It’s been a real struggle to focus on all this but I’m so humbled to see the brand grow. After hitting 1k followers I’m glad to see that the brand is growing.
But after working at my current job for the past few months I need a change. I’ve been applying to over 200 jobs trying to find the right fit. It’s been hard but I have been hustling hard to make sure I am ready to find the new place where I can flourish.
I’ve been very down because so many places have said no or I haven’t gotten any word. It’s made it hard to keep a brave face but I am making it a point to focus on this brand and what I can control. To add to that; the new Roger Rabbit jackets I made came apart after some light wearing which was very disappointing. They weren’t sealed enough and didn’t have enough pressure from the final heat printing so I’ve had to go back to the printers and have them fixed. I think we’ve worked out the kinks on the jacket now but I’m still very frustrated to have to encounter this.
I am very excited to announce that another new product will be launching for July and I’m excited to see what comes next.
Also, I’m turning 33 next week. I’d add stuff about my perspective but that’s for another day.