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Diamond In The Rough Clothing Co. Park inspired apparel ready to wear for you next post.

10 Things to Say to Trigger A Straight White Man

If you haven’t been paying attention to the news; congrats, you’ve probably got better blood pressure than the rest of us. But if you have, you may have noted; white guys are kinda ruining everything. So here’s a humorous list of of things to say that will throw them off their game just a little before they mansplain to you why “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” will win the Oscar for Best Picture. I feel like I should say that this is obviously a humor based post; but I bet I’ll still get someone DM-ing me about “not all white men” bull…either way try these out.

Here are some things I like to say to mess with white guys.

  1. I think Tarantino is over rated

  2. Who is Bon Jovi

  3. I’ve never been into cars

  4. Beer is weird; have you had a Mike’s Hard Lemonade?

  5. I still don’t get why football is so great.

  6. I can’t tell Joel Egerton and Aaron Eckhart apart. Which one was the guy in the Matrix?

  7. My favorite Batman? Oh that’s easy, George Clooney

  8. I’ve never seen a Wes Anderson movie

  9. Sunblock? What’s that?

  10. I can tell by your posture your grandparents owned slaves

So How'd I Do?

So How'd I Do?

Gobble Gobble